5 keunikan wisata di Aceh yang traveller wajib tahu

Siapa yang tidak pernah mendengar tentang sebutan Aceh sebagai negeri "serambi mekkah"? Bukan tidak beralasan, sebutan tersebut bermula pada abad ke 15 M dimana Aceh pernah mendapat gelar yang sangat terhormat dari umat Islam nusantara. Negeri ini dijuluki “Serambi Mekkah” sebuah gelar yang penuh bernuansa keagamaan, keimanan, dan ketaqwaan...


Siapa yang gak kenal negeri Kincir Angin ini. Belanda merupakan salah satu negara di benua eropa yang mempunyai segudang cerita menarik untuk di ikuti. Mulai dari Arsitektur Bangunan, Kuliner, Universitasnya bahkan dalam hal dunia olah raga-pun Belanda banyak menghasilkan pemain sepakbola dunia ytang melegenda. Berikut, beberapa fakta Aneh tentang Belanda yang mungkin tak lazim adanya di negara kita. apa sajakah fakta-fakta aneh tersebut..???

4 Tokoh Perdamaian Yang Seharusnya Meraih Nobel

Human Right selalu saja menjadi isu fenomenal sepanjang sejarah. berikut adalah beberapa tokoh yang berpengaruh terhadap Masyarakat atau rakyat di negaranya yang berjuang dan dianggap mampu mengubah pandangan manusia terhadap kesetaraan hak manusia dan sepantasnya meraih nobel perdamaian.


Untuk membuat tulisan pada blog anda menjadi rata tengah, rata kiri-kanan ini adalah cara termudah yang sudah saya coba.

4 (empat) Penemu yang Mati Karena Penemuannya

Franz Reichelt adalah seorang penjahit asal Austria yang terkenal karena menciptakan mantel aneh / parasut hibrida yang diklaimnya bisa berlayar dengan pelan ke tanah atau bahkan terbang.

Friday 6 June 2008

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die

Iseng-iseng saya jalan-jalan di google, biasa..kalau perasaan suntuk sudah merasuki jiwa (ciee..puitis banget..hehe) saya suka membaca artikel, buku dan mencari sesuatu yang baru. Dan setelah sekian lama browsing, tiba-tiba saya mendapatkan artikel disebuah website yang menurut saya sangat bagus isinya. Penasarankan....????
oke...ini cuplikan isi sekaligus download link site nya....

"Daftar yg diambil dari buku berjudul sama oleh Peter Boxall (ISBN 0-7893-1370-7). Buku ini memberi daftar buku2 yg katanya perlu dibaca, mulai dari buku2 pre-1700 sampe taun 2000-an. Gue nemu ada yg iseng bikin spreadsheet daftar buku2nya, dan buku2 yg udah dibaca bisa dicentang satu2 (pake huruf 'r'), dan otomatis kehitung udah berapa dari 1001 buku ini yg udah dibaca. I did dismally. Kayaknya gara2 gue gak demen baca klasik, gue cuman dapet 30 buku (42 kalo yg udah nonton filmnya dihitung sih). Sementara sekitar 4-5 gue gue baca sebagian tapi nyerah di tengah2".
Cobain download spreedsheetnya disini :


Note :
anda harus mendownload sendiri buku-buku yang ada dalam link diatas sesuai dengan judul yang anda minati.

thanks and permissions for : postingan ini dikutip dari www.wgaul.com yang ditulis oleh ID : coqueline

Alasan mengapa saya mengambil postingan orang???
karena menurut saya postingan yang bermutu dan mengandung informasi yang memang perlu disebarluaskan sekaligus menambah wawasan, adalah suatu hal yang wajar untuk dikabarkan kepada setiap orang. Dan menurut saya lagi postingan diatas termasuk salah satu postingan yang bermutu terutama dalam dunia sastra.

Thursday 5 June 2008

21 Great Ways to Become an Outstanding Manager

With my valuable step-by-step program you will learn how to:
- Lead your team to maximum results - so you can stand out above the rest
- Keep your team happy and motivated
- Maximize your natural leadership capabilities
- Build a team to take you to the top
- Make your profits soar

In my twenties, I tirelessly researched what made a great sales manager. I talked to countless successful managers who filled me in on how they were able to recruit, manage, motivate and build a successful team. I read everything I could find on the subject. I took additional courses, and listened to audio programs. In just one-year I had built sales organizations in 6 countries, and gone from a place of failure and frustration, to a plain of success and high income.
In my thirties I went back to school and took an Executive MBA program. I attended more than 4,000 hours of business courses. Later I became the chief operating officer of a 265 million dollar company, and worked with over 500 businesses.
All of this experience is yours in my audio CD program 21 Great Ways to Become an Outstanding Manager.
Thousands of managers have achieved greatness simply by following the easy steps of my program.
You can too.
You can unlock the secrets of unlimited success just by listening and implementing my program into your career.
Shorten the length of time between where you are now and where you want to be.
Turn yourself into one of the most valuable assets of your company, and turn your life into a treasure chest of success.
Don't wait another minute...

More info : http://www.briantracy.com/catalog/pr...?pid=12&cid=18
download this file :


How to Master Your Time

Master your time and Master your life!
Wouldn't it be extraordinary to learn how to manage your time?
Wouldn't you like to have more time available to get more done? To make more money and have more time to spend doing the things you like, and being with the people that make you happy?
Imagine having more energy, less stress and a greater sense of control.
It's easy... become the master of your time.
Time mastery doesn't mean letting the clock rule your life. In fact, the very opposite is true: time mastery gives you the absolute freedom to do what you want, when you want to do it.
I have created a practical and simple program on time management for you to achieve an outstanding life.
I will teach you the philosophy of time management, to help you internalize it, and to help you develop a belief system that will make your every moment more efficient.
You will make a decision to become excellent at time management...to concentrate on the highest pay-off tasks.

I designed this program to give you everything you will ever need to know about mastering your time for your personal life and career. Your life will simply work better.
Through this valuable 6-CD audio program, you'll learn to:
- Model your own behavior after the most efficient people
- Learn to lead others as an example of successful time management
- Become results-oriented, working smarter, not harder
- Delegate more effectively and become more adept at prioritizing
- Energize yourself with the positive results of your labor

More info : http://www.briantracy.com/catalog/pr...?pid=48&cid=18
download CD code :
